
May 18, 2012

Soul Sisters.

You call your home a van now.

Your baby clings to your neck, suckles at your breast, breathes soft breath into your lengthy hair and sighs,
And you sigh,
In the darkness as it falls gently around you
Amongst the lights, sirens, falling rain
There is a kind of peace in your alone-ness.

The Father is a gentle Master.
His arms float around you and your baby and your daughters and yes...
Even the husband whose heart has been unfaithful
And I breathe my own prayers into the clean air
Far away but our souls can be unified in this easy way
And there is no time
No distance
No space
No ocean between us
And now I can hold your hand
I can sit there with you
In the van
And the baby sighs
And we pray together

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