
September 27, 2019

Things that Weren't Permanent

I hope that when you realize what you lost
That you remember these things:

1. That you told me you titty fucked your ex girlfriend with lube you never informed me existed after the final time we had sex while you held me to your chest in your bed.

2.  That you called me fragile.

3. That you told me that you had to pick someone to hurt (and you remember, like an avalanche of pain, that you chose me.)

4.  That you told me, the first time you touched my waist when we had sex, that my bones were too sharp for you.

5.  That you threw up in my toilet. That I cleaned the vomit from your face. That I put a blanket over your shivering body. That I slept next to you all night even though I told you I couldn't do this anymore.

6.  That you pushed me quite literally aside at the 48 Hour Film Festival.

7.  That you stayed angry [at me] a whole day because your ex girlfriend was on Tinder.

8.  That the first time I asked if I could tell you I loved you, you said "You feel what you feel."

9.  That you lied. You lied so. much.

10. You hurt me.

You hurt me.

You hurt me.

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