
November 11, 2014

A List

You make me feel like:

   1.  dirty laundry

   2.  a broken pencil
   3.  a bent umbrella
   4.  last year's vacation tickets (you never went)
   5.  a song comprised of infinite quarter rests
   6.  a diary you think is pretty, but never write in

   7.  the flat soda in the cup holder at the front of your car, sitting next to the new hot coffee, then
        the new Dasani, then the new Lipton Green Tea... never discarded, never consumed.

I feel like this.

But I still wait patiently on the other line for hours.
Still get dressed in the morning as though I might go out.
Still unabashedly blush when your name is mentioned
Still stand there smiling with my dry bouquet of flowers.
Still listen when you tell me to hush.

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