
November 18, 2014

The Path of Least Resistance

The stream is teeming with green, lush, weeds -
Tall grasses.  Cat-er-nine tails.  Lilies.
I feel like...
I should stop and see them
Touch their petals
Smooth the brown velvet
But the river is moving too quickly.
The boat teeters to one side, then the other
My paddles are useless against the current
Against the grain
Against the flow of the choppy waves
It is a big river
Like the Nile
And terrifying sometimes
I do not know the end.
I do not know where I am going.
The night closes in
And I curl up
At the bottom of my canoe
I curl up and stare at the far-away stars
Feel the motion of the water
Feel...  the wanting of a hand to hold
Reach out into the black night
Come back with nothing.
Always moving.

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