
January 27, 2016


Today it didn't matter that I woke up with a sore throat
Runny nose
Sneezing coughing
Tea drinking
Wrapped in this yellow and black fleece blanket

The air was a certain flavor of crispy
The wind touched my nose in just the right way
The dog's paws pitter pat splitter splash in the slush
The way it used to feel before the world went gray,
But at the end of the day,
The setting sun felt more like rising;
Chrystalline hues of white -
I stamped my feet in the puddles,
Sat across from my husband at the table of my favorite restaurant
Drew pictures in crayon
Drank more and more and more Earl Grey tea,
Yes - the thought of you and you and you were there,
The night sky
Unabashed display of stark silver stars
Don't blink...
Don't blink before it's over -
Steam of my breath on every window
I think about fingers touching,
I think about empty plates and clinking glasses and blank paper and new fountain pens -
Is full and final and ending and beginning and my breath...
My breath -


Each in
Each out
Sings like a heartbeat, like birds tweeting
You are ...
You Are..
You Will Be.

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