
February 9, 2015

A Poem That Rhymes.

I want to take you to the city
And walk with you hand in hand
And stare at the passersby and watch the trolley tram.

I want to buy you lemonade and stare at shiny stars
Caress the statues marble- made
And promenade in the bars.

I want to taste the glamor
The glitz, the grit, the grime,
I want to be the clambor
In your bedroom past the time.

I want to hold your cheeks in palms
And ponder your glassy eyes
To run my fingers down your face
To graze your lips with mine

I plan these things with shaking hands
And glazing-over eyes
I plan them in the nighttime
In the morning
Breakfast chime...

I want to share it with you
This plan, this day, this sham
But I fear I just might snap you
Like a fragile rubber band.

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