
June 7, 2018

American Dream 2

Coffee on the porch
"That's living the dream", she said
And I watched her flounce away holding the hand of a four year old foster child
Soon to be reunited with grandma
Because the system
The system
Swoops in and drowns small children before they are breathing
The system
Gives and takes and takes and gives like a corroded god-head

Watching movies from the fifties makes me feel like smoking
I want to strip things back
Pretend there was a time when life was simple
There were only times where people pretended better
And stuffed their feelings down into deep wells of earth-shattering echoes
Simple pain
Became the application of make-up
And the brushing of blonde hair 200 times

Minimum requirements

I want to take pictures with a camera where I can't erase poorly processed images.
I want to sit at the creek and allow the cold water to numb my feet
I want to dig my hands into the earth because
I can't take the processing

There are people who say, "Call me when you're down - I'll be there for you."

And those aren't the people who are ever really there.
Those are just the people who are still good at the fifties and play-acting
And "sure thing" and "nifty" and "you can count on me"
Spoken idly,
But loudly,
Into uncaring shop windows.

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