
February 22, 2019

Memories and Politics

It is a word not often used
By journalists
Something sacred that has been marred by something like Satan

Swastikas on Jewish tombstones across the Atlantic:
France feels so far away,

And yet

And yet we recently had our own Nazi rally

And yet

It seems like it was an eternity ago

and yet

Obama was still president at the end of 2015 and I...
Did not even know you then.

The past three weeks feels like an entire lifetime
I think about driving an hour to your house in Hickory and
How that was a whole other person
In a whole other relationship -

Michael asks,

"Which one did you like better?"

And I say - the one between then and now
Because now:

It feels painfully serious
And I feel afraid of it tipping over
The glass is so filled with intimacy and full throttle emotional fuel cells...

And then,
 it felt like I never knew where it was going but it was an exciting ride, yes?
Not. Too. Serious.
Keeping everything at arm's length intentionally...

And the in between:

It felt like memories before they happened - 

Quiet dripping of old faucets,
The makings of black and white films: nostalgia,
Living in the middle of something that was happening and something that happened
 and a thing

to come.

The dog would bark
And you would be there.

Sometimes unexpected but you always came back.
You always came home...
I always knew what to call that.

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