
March 2, 2019

Rock Bottom

You have to reach down into the bloody bastioned bottom of your unworthy soul
You have to reach down and scrape the very floors until you understand that
The bottom is the best of the parts of you
The bottom is the way home
The bottom is the fudge that fell past the vanilla ice cream in the clear plastic jar from the fast food restaurant where the ice cream machine is never working,

The Bottom, is who you become
When there is no where else to reach;

No other hand to hold onto you,
No other place to hide or roam...

The wind sputters down the gutter next to the porch rail.

You don't want to be alone and smoking/You don't want to be alone and reading/You don't want to be alone and
looking/ or buying/ or selling/ or talking///

And yet -

In your aloneness -

You are aware
You are awake
You are able

And you can know
You don't need that thing you clung to.

What you needed,

Was to let it go.

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