
June 15, 2016

Starbucks and Bojangles

On the drive home
I am forced to witness
The exit you sometimes call home
And I think:
This is farther than I first felt it was
If I knew what was good for me I would have turned around because
I heard you in the keyboard under Stephen Schwartz's arrangements
I heard you in the drawl of the clerk at the fast food restaurant
I heard you in the jangle of my keys at the Sheetz by Bojangles and Starbucks
I heard you
Even though I've steeled myself
And pressed you all the way to the back room of my filing place
You're so. damn. loud.
And as I tear myself away from my sometimes Lover you're somewhere close
Somehow in all the throes of joyful ecstasy a thought of you still
Grabs on to my coattails
Tugs me down
Makes me feel...

He and I sat the same way
Facing one another on the sofa
Talking politics without puns
Exchanging banter
I don't need to think about you
I don't want to.

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